Center of Excellence Site Package


Northrop Grumman needed 60 acres of site development during the construction of three new commercial buildings. They have an active campus with 3,000 employees passing through the work zones each day.

Client Northrop Grumman
Location Melbourne, FL
Contract Value $31,988,311
Schedule Dec 2016 - Dec 2018

Scope of work

Complete site development from a civil scope of work: water, sewer, storm drain, earthwork/pond creation, roadway and parking lot construction


The project involved underground utility construction, a storm sewer system with pipe ranging in size from 12” to 60”, striping and signage, roadway and parking lot construction, three wet-retention ponds and dry retention ponds, and swales with high-percolation sand.

We compressed the schedule by bringing in additional crew resources, working off-hours and seven-day weeks, and coordinating safe vehicular and pedestrian access routes for employees. 67% of the work was constructed while maintaining employee access through the site.


Commercial buildings with appropriate civil facilities opened on time while maintaining the safety of working employees on the campus.

BLOX Winter Garden FSER
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