Delaney Avenue Improvements


The project consists of major infrastructure upgrades along Delaney Avenue. Enhancements cover roadway, sidewalk, stormwater, potable water and sanitary sewer systems, spanning about 1 mile along Delaney Avenue from Briercliff Drive to Michigan Street, this project will be executed in four phases to ensure seamless progress and minimal disruption to daily life.

Client City of Orlando
Location Orlando, FL
Contract Value $11,891,859
Schedule May 2024 - In Progress


Reconstructed Brick Roadway portion of Delaney Avenue from Briercliff Drive to just south of the Miller Street roundabout, within the Historic District, will be reconstructed as a brick roadway, preserving its unique heritage. Upgrading sewer systems to improve efficiency and reliability while implementing stormwater improvements to address drainage concerns and mitigate flooding risks. The remaining section of Delaney Avenue south of the Historic District will be reconstructed as a new asphalt roadway for a smoother driving experience. Two replacement roundabouts will be installed at Miller Street and Grant Street, improving traffic flow and safety. All existing landscape islands will be removed, and speed tables will be added for traffic calming measures. New curbs and gutters will be constructed to improve the efficiency of stormwater drainage to the city’s storm drain system.


Upgrading the sewer systems to improve efficiency and reliability while implementing stormwater improvements to address drainage concerns and mitigate flooding risks.

Wabash Avenue Multi-Use Trail
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